7 Reasons to Plant a Lawn

With low rainfall numbers over the past few years in California bringing about drought conditions, many homeowners are considering removing their lawns in favor of what they perceive to be a more water wise xeriscape. However, several research studies have been...

Autumn Lawn Care

Fall is a great time to think about preparing your lawn for the spring – before the weather turns too cold. Most people assume that with the cooler temperatures approaching, lawn care can take a back seat to other things happening in the yard. This isn’t exactly true....

Caring for Your Lawn in the Winter

With colder weather of winter, the care of turfgrass change dramatically from the hot summer months. Here are a few highlights for those living in the majority of California: FESCUE WINTER CARE Fescue turfgrass stays green in the winter which is why it has been the...

Getting Rid of Unwanted Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass is water conservative and a great surface for sports fields, golf courses, parks and high traffic yards. However, some people prefer the year-round green of Fescue turfgrass. If you are one of the latter and want to get rid of Bermuda or other warm...
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